North Carolina District East Civitan
North Carolina District East falls under the Civitan umbrella and has more Civitans than any other district or region. There are more Civitans in the Southeast U.S. than any other region. Today North Carolina District East has 1,850 members in over 50 clubs between High Point and the coast. There are nine areas in North Carolina District East.
For more about NC District East, go to https://www.ncdecivitan.org/.
Cypress Creek Civitan Club
Cypress Creek Civitan Club was chartered in June 2009. It is in Area 5 of North Carolina District East of Civitan International. Area 5 is made up of eight clubs from Sanford to Rocky Mount.
The Club meets twice monthly: the first Monday at the Sheriff's substation in Bunn for the business meeting and the third Monday at the Lake Royale Club House. This meeting usually consists of a program of interest to the membership such as speakers from Civitan related organizations, and from other organizations in the community. We encourage non-member residents to attend our speaker meeting. The meeting time is 7:00pm and lasts approximately one hour. Members usually arrive early to set up the room and socialize.
Cypress Creek Civitan Club is involved in a lot of service projects to help those with disabilities, aid the community and those less fortunate. Some are:
Cypress Creek Junior Civitan Club
A Blessing, Inc./Bunn Soup Kitchen
Blood Mobile
Adopt-a-Family for the holidays
Special Olympics (local & state level)
Boys & Girls Homes of NC
Duke Child Development Center
Ronald McDonald Family Room & House
Miracle League of Franklin County
Civitan International Research Center
The Club has several fundraisers to support our service projects. Some of the Club's fundraising projects are:
Belk's Charity Day Sales
Charity Golf Scramble
Claxton Fruit Cake Sales
Pecan/Nut Sales
Staff One working at NC State home football games and other events at the stadium
Other fundraising ideas are welcome